LaughingRx Laughter Wellness Programs
Corporate Laughter Wellness
I founded my laughter wellness programs as a tool for management to use for team building, morale-boosting, connectiveness, encouraging a greater feeling of self-esteem, creative thinking, and a place where people want to be and have greater job satisfaction. My programs create an experience that brings about huge positive changes in the work environment, in person as well as virtually.
LaughingRx Program Benefits
Some of the benefits of the LaughingRx program in the workplace environment include:
- Boosts Morale
- Boosts self-esteem
- Feel more connected
- Motivates Employees
- Sustains on the joy positive attitude
- Reduces mental and physical stress
- Increases productivity
- Improves communication
- Joyful environment
- Reduces criticism
- Reduces anger/frustration
- Reduces stress levels
- Smoother conflict resolution
- Builds bridges between employees
- Stimulates creative problem solving
- Strengthens bonds between co-workers
- More efficiency
- Improves leadership skills
- The staff brings laughter home resulting in greater life satisfaction.
My LaughingRx programs are fun, inspirational, uplifting and interactive.
Individuals, corporations, and government institutions have benefited from my programs in various formats such as conferences, workshops, retreats, meetings, holiday parties, kick-off events and seminars.